Primary tabs



7 segment display 521H

521H 7 segment display is available in common cathode and common anode versions.
Pins 3 and 8 are treated as connected together - the common pins.

Segment letters are enumerated clockwise from the top, G is the middle segment.
The display colour is red.
One current (active) project uses shift registers, 74HC595, to minimise the number of IO pins used on the micro-controller.

DK Electronics

DK Electronics
DK Electronics shield picture
See v1.0 on silkscreen near company name logo.
This shield uses a 74HC595 and two L293D

Shift Register Demo Board

This is a story about creating a demo board for working with shift registers.

  1. first create the circuit board
  2. demo on Arduino platform as a single, 8 bit shift register
  3. expand demo board to use multiple SR, iterative with software development
  4. when hardware is operational port the software to STM8 platform and Cypress board

Notes about creating the circuit board for the shift reg (demo)

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