Sample text to be processed by scrambling program:
If a statue in the
park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air ,
the person died in battle . If the horse has one front leg in
the air , the person died because of wounds received in battle ..
If the horse has all four legs on the ground , the person died
of natural causes .
Processed text:
If a suatte in the
prak of a porsen on a hsroe has btoh fnort lges in the air ,
the porsen deid in blttae . If the hsroe has one fnort leg in
the air , the porsen deid bscauee of wdunos recieved in blttae ..
If the hsroe has all fuor lges on the gnourd , the porsen deid
of natural ceusas .
execute on Mike's white tower
~/Haskell/backwards $ ./backwards < ~/erol1.txt > erol1Out.txt
To compile and build on the same PC use
ghc backwards.hs