
Primary tabs

wxToImg weather fax

weather fax software
For my systems I chose the '64-bit Linux tar.gz' option., which was installed with

gunzip < wxtoimg-linux64-2.10.11-1.tar.gz | sudo sh -c "(cd /; tar -xvf -)"

For GUI use

Create .wav files from .mp3 files using

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.wav


r2zx weather images

For pictures of front and rear of R2ZX decoder.
The baud rate is 1200 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control for connection to the serial port.
more useful info about similar units
NOAA APT frequencies and so on here

NOAA 15 - 137.6200 MHz
NOAA 18 - 137.9125 MHz
NOAA 19 - 137.1000 MHz

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