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hp print support on Linux

Linux Mint Ubuntu Debian

Linux Mint is a modern operating system known for its remarkable features and ease of use. Based on the Ubuntu operating system (which is based on Debian), Linux Mint offers a stable and robust platform for desktop and laptop computers.


Linux Conference 2021

verify linux iso image

installing mplab

look for 64 bit Linux here
When executing the shell script - read the error message tips.

ubuntu install tips

cypress BLE dongle Linux Info

Friday, 16 August 2019
12:27 PM
From main.c
* Project Name : PSoC_4_BLE_Eddystone
* File Name : main.c
* Version : 1.0
* Device Used : CY8C4248LQI-BL583
* Software Used : PSoC Creator 4.1
* Compiler : ARM GCC 5.4.1, ARM MDK Generic
* Related Hardware : CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A Bluetooth Low Energy Pioneer Kit
* Owner : DEJO

kali linux pi

linux version

install distro-info
mentioned as a script but is a binary

execute :
lsb_release -a
distro-info --all

Linux Bash shell


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