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i2c pins connectors

Some rules when connecting devices (modules) like sensors: with special attention to serial busses like i2c.
This is the start of a guide to show how to build circuits with multiple types of sub assemblies.
It also documents the thought processes in connecting a Raspberry Pi to external sensors. The sensors are on a standalone board and operate

from different voltages. Work is happening to interface the BBC micro:bit, Cypress boards and Arduinos.
The i2c protocol requires the SDA and SCL lines to be bidirectional (i.e. input and output)


pca9685 data sheet
Operating power supply voltage range of 2.3 V to 5.5 V
It is 5V compliant, which means you can control it from a 3.3V microcontroller and still safely drive up to 6V outputs (this is good for when you want to control white or blue LEDs with 3.4+ forward voltages).

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