Operates on 6V to 40V supply. RS232C interface
Smartphone App is really useful and fun. For ages I used the workstation version. The Edge200 would not connect on one laptop but did connect well on another - expand? .
recent (November 2023) test ride For my records : Garmin Edge 200 Software: 2.10
old Garmin watch
gps16-hvs See page 11 for signatures supported.
sample bike rides sample bike ride Nov 12 2019 sample bike rides 2020
manage the device might need this .net
Garmin experiments hand mod to iframe - click on URL iframe not recognised at this stage by drupal but note effect of parameters
<iframe src='https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/embed/3720058859 title='Melbourne Cycling' width='465' height='500' frameborder='2'></iframe>