nodemcu site
My boards respond to being treated as nodemcu types.
Blink works when using their pinMode(BUILTIN_LED, OUTPUT); // Initialize the BUILTIN_LED pin as an output .
A further test would be to fade, the brightness of, an LED. This is likely to require an additional LED (, resistor pair) on another pin. The LED used to blink is located near the USB connector.
So I need to find the value of BUILTIN_LED but actually, the resistor + LED pair on PCB is next in importance.
howto for esp8266 in Arduino IDE
From email on 19 May 2019 to RPi group
with reference to my previous comment:
File -> Preferences . Then find 'additional Boards manager URLS'.
Click on the icon at the far right-hand side - like two overlapping pages - a window pops up.
Then click on 'Click for a list of ... ' which will open a git-hub page.
Look in the readme for ESP32...