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early Arduino screen shot
/* Blink The basic Energia example. Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly. Change the LED define to blink other LEDs.
Hardware Required: LaunchPad with an LED
This example code is in the public domain. */
// date 8 Aug 2019 //comments are like instructions
// most launchpads have a red LED #define LEDr RED_LED
//see pins_energia.h for more LED definitions #define LEDg GREEN_LED
from address scanner
19:18:05.775 -> I2C scanner. M Scanning ... 19:18:05.822 -> Found address: 39 (0x27) 19:18:05.822 -> Found address: 60 (0x3C) 19:18:05.869 -> Found address: 118 (0x76) 19:18:05.916 -> Done. 19:18:05.916 -> Found 3 device(s).
LiquidCrystal_I2C code on github
A screen shot of I2C protocol sample. I need to find the code - repeated sending of incremented data from Arduino to LCD. The sample was recorded on a win 8 laptop.
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Curie BLE Reference/CurieBLE
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