
MusicBrainz story

I was playing a CD on the TECRA laptop using Rhythmbox Music Player and noticed the options to upload CD data to their database.
I then discovered that there were Java and Haskell support libraries.

After cloning and downloading the Haskell library, I attempted to build with 'cabal build'.
Often the builds from cloned libraries have not worked this well.

github repo
This could be another good working example of a Haskell library.

Ada language

Working Ada on 1501



# show version and subcommands
rm adademo2 *.o *.ali
gnatmake adademo2.adb


reset info
version 12.0
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
service password-encryption
hostname r_antwerp

enable password 7 1511060D0F2F39

username r_pakhoed password 7 110B10091B
ip subnet-zero
no ip domain-lookup
isdn switch-type basic-net3

interface Ethernet0
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast


starting out
Use clj -h for help.

Installing libs into /usr/local/lib/clojure
Installing clojure and clj into /usr/local/bin
Installing man pages into /usr/local/share/man/man1
Removing download
Use clj -h for help.



image received from ISS via SSTV

SSTV for beginners
spot the station
receiving signals
30 Dec 2019 Recorded on hand recorder PD120
I used gpredict and will soon attempt to use qsstv
qsstv version was 8.2.12 : on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS

RAAF Point Cook

Title : 180814_003
Record date : 14/08/2018 12:59:42 PM
Record time : 38:36
Recording file name: 180814_003
BigginHill over to housing

Engine sounds at 37:00 ish


order of checking actions
Landing speed: 90kts, down to 75kts to land = 150kph


primary trainer for step up to Mustang

talking speaking

Java Applet

compile with

start applet with
appletviewer Sine.html

At this point we are using java8 which supports streams and lambdas.

  1. The .html file includes a <applet code=zzzz.class {more pairs} </applet>
  2. zzzz.class created by javac
  3. which includes public class zzzz extends Applet {...}

Countries Visited

Countries that I visited on my way from England to Australia.

  1. England
  2. Holland
  3. France
  4. Belgium
  5. Lichtenstein
  6. Germany
  7. Italy
  8. Greece
  9. Turkey
  10. Syria
  11. Cyprus
  12. Israel
  13. Egypt
  14. South Africa
  15. Botswana
  16. Ceylon a.k.a. Sri Lanka
  17. India
  18. Nepal
  19. Burma a.k.a. Myanmar - watch strap posted from there
  20. Thailand
  21. Malaysia
  22. Indonesia
  23. Singapore
  24. Australia



A favourite book is one by Dr. Jay Carter


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