Toshiba TECRA

For completion, I have added this article with a legacy tag. Other devices with RS232C connectivity are labelled with the legacy tag.

LCD initialisation by instruction

LCD initialisation by instruction.
Most display projects use Initialisation by Internal Reset Circuit which produces a default set of conditions.

The conditions include:

  1. interface data path
  2. number of display lines
  3. 5 * 8 dot character font
  4. display off
  5. cursor off
  6. blinking off

I would like to use alternative combinations - especially the 5*10 font. So this is the start of a project.

Dutch language course

During my time working at CMG and CapGemini I attended a Dutch language course .

dipthongs and other phonetic curiosities

ar8000 and cu8232 serial interface

good description of Aspergers Syndrome

description of Aspergers Syndrome near start of section
Around time 3:50 create a definition that Aspergers Syndrome applies to High Functioning people with Autism.

wxToImg weather fax

weather fax software
For my systems I chose the '64-bit Linux tar.gz' option., which was installed with

gunzip < wxtoimg-linux64-2.10.11-1.tar.gz | sudo sh -c "(cd /; tar -xvf -)"

For GUI use

Create .wav files from .mp3 files using

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.wav


using a Brother EP44 as a terminal and a printer for a micro controller

The EP44 has an RS232C interface, an LCD display and the intention is to re-purpose it as an interactive device.
BBC micro-bit code
The data connector on the EP44 is a 25 pin female.

De Morgan's laws

De Morgan's laws
I still find these interesting and have used them in software and hardware to reduce expressions or transform expressions to more meaningful, readable, expressions. I think that I tend to expect people to use them in speech as I often come across badly thought out expressions where I think it is clear that the speaker does not mean what he/she says...

Apple Battery Charger


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