Title : 180814_003
Record date : 14/08/2018 12:59:42 PM
Record time : 38:36
Recording file name: 180814_003
BigginHill over to housing
Engine sounds at 37:00 ish
order of checking actions
Landing speed: 90kts, down to 75kts to land = 150kph
primary trainer for step up to Mustang
787 100 tonnes of fuel ;200 tonnes at take off; rotate at about 300kph
Harvard: engine size: CC : cylinders:
Enertia starter; starter motor wind up; then engage into the engine; fuel into cylinders; about 20 minutes into the recording
S turn down taxiways - to see out; 130 C cylinder head temp needed, air-cooled, rasping noise supersonic prop tips,
where is the fuel stored?
variable pitch prop? Early Spitfire had fixed pitch props; Governer - flyweight, springs, oil, great system
primary airstrip runway 1735 North-South 0422 {17 => } local freq 1262 {=126.2 MHz }
1992 military flights ceased at Point Cook
Manoeuvres are basic flying school actions
Barrel roll
smoke = aphid spray
5-mile radius limit for air display
helped save a woman who was suffering a stroke on a flight from Brisbane to Hawaii