re-learning Ada

learning Ada

Learning about: GNAT toolchain from the GNAT Community 18 edition,
project manager (GPRbuild)
integrated development environment (GNAT Programming Studio).

Dividing this restarted project into two parts:
1. installing the toolchain and
2. sample source code

default install directories:
~/opt/GNAT/2019/bin $ [ try ./gpr ]
checkout [sudo ./doinstall] and

gps will be installed in [/opt/gps]

~/Ada_Drivers_Library/scripts $ ./

ZFP_Runtime : Zero FootPrint runtime

Ada source-code are stored in .ads and .adb files. To view the content of these files, you can use the GNAT Programming Studio (GPS). To open GPS, double-click on the .gpr project file or invoke GPS on the command line:

