cypress BLE example workspace project cortex-m0

Device 'PSoC 4200 BLE CY8C4247LQ*-BL483' was successfully programmed at 08/14/2019 23:16:17.
Red daughter board.
Wireless Power Transfer
Power Receiver Unit (PRU)
example command line to compile part of a project
arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mthumb -I. -IGenerated_Source\PSoC4 -Wa,-alh=.\ARM_GCC_541\Debug/cyfitter_cfg.lst -g -Wall -ffunction-sections -ffat-lto-objects -O0 -c Generated_Source\PSoC4\cyfitter_cfg.c -o .\ARM_GCC_541\Debug\cyfitter_cfg.o

Recent discovery: on the TopDesign.cysch tab right click on the graphic image to reveal the 'configure' option. In some cases,such as CapSense_P4_Linear_Slider, right click will also reveal 'Launch Tuner'.

The main difference between a workspace and a project is a workspace can contain multiple projects. You would use a workspace if you were working on a group of related projects. Place the projects in the workspace so you can work on them in one place.

A project is always part of a workspace. You can create projects in an existing workspace or you can create a new workspace as part of creating a new project. {from PSoC Creator Help}