Cortex-M0 font issues ... 0123
updating BLE dongle
0x008au /* Systolic 138.0 mmHg */,
0x004fu /* Diastolic 79.0 mmHg */,
0x0050u /* MAP 80.0 mmHg */,
Error: dbg.M0033: The selected debug target 'CY8C4247LQI-BL483' is not compatible with the project's selected device 'CY8C4014LQI-422'.
updates 3.2 to 4.2 explain
Device 'PRoC BLE CYBL10563-56LQX*' was successfully programmed at 07/24/2019 17:59:39.
Device 'PSoC 4200 BLE CY8C4247LQ*-BL483' was successfully programmed at 07/24/2019 19:02:10.
USB Dongle latest model - not mine but good start info
iOS App information
042 BLE Quick Start Guide