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almost archived rpi page
raspberry pi images In many cases these images are compressed in 7zip format which can be expanded with sudo apt-get install p7zip
sudo apt-get install p7zip
even just for the musicandroid.com/thingsandroid sdkread this :raspberrypiget image run the utility as root - takes a while but is quite automatic with manual prompts...
you tube kali linux pi kali-linux-arm-images install-kali-linux-arm-raspberry-pi downloads
GPS connected to Raspberry Pi
pictures of the device
wiringpi base web sitegordon drogonthe-gpio-utility try this on the Pi gpio -v Might need to do the following first... sudo apt-get install wiringpiwiringpi pinouts or better still :download-and-install
gpio -v
sudo apt-get install wiringpi
Start here for info on the red pcb:embedded pi -> go here -> discussionsat last, the schematicat last, the schematic, the pdf