Is Mike an Aspie?

( I have updated this several times already this week – so feel free to re-visit. )

Date of start of this record and comments : 21/04/14 14:55:40

Mike has been struggling for decades with social situations and made huge mistakes about people and they have made huge mistakes about him. In the recent months there has been a development in his understanding about himself. Here are a few links to websites that have helped. Book titles and other experiences may be added later.

Why am I writing and publishing this – because the act of trying to explain this is for me extremely tiring and the frustration can result in a loss of friendship one or both ways.


a good one - at least read this

Is Mike an Aspie? { Aspie is short for Aspergers Syndrome. } Who knows? And maybe I could say who cares? I don't particularly care whether I am or not but I have discovered that the profile of an Aspie is VERY close to my profile. There is little or nothing that I can do about having it except develop coping strategies which I am doing.

here is a good one

remember to check out the home page on his site I used the bullet point in this list as a check list and in every section I score full – sometimes a half or full or two halves short of full.

If it looks like a horse, walks like a horse, eats like a horse then in most probability …

What I use this page for is to let you know and be able to read, some of, the information that I have read that leads me to this conclusion.

There are three beautiful conversations between Tony Attwood and Richard Fidler and the web links for these will be added soon.

this is one interview 23/04/14 22:53:58

There is a tendency for Mike to treat people a bit like computers –

one example is :

tell them once and hope that they remember...

he takes on board everything you say- so if you make rules expect them to be implemented 24*7 !

if you feel like responding to this then use my gmail – most friends/acquaintences will know this – or text – ( ending...1473)

Many people considered that I was diabetic for years and from the various addresses I have had I sought a diagnosis → result: I do not have diabetes but can behave as if I have – high activity then a big dip and responds well to sitting still with a glucose sweet etc – this fits well with Aspie (i.m.h.o.) as the big dip is due to emotional exhaustion after an “in-depth” converstaion and the recovery is due to being left alone – i.e. people not talking to him...

this one refers to adult assessment 23/04/14 22:48:43

I need to check this out a bit more - but looks good

By the way: this is created with LibreOffice Writer in Linux Mint a beautiful technical combination.

29/05/14 14:37:03 Some links added here for further searches ( they have been in my favourites for a while )

Results of search for "aspergers assessments melbourne"

Results "adult aspergers UK assessment"

Related subject:

Interesting read about ADHD

Other works by Mike ECA website added 13/06/14 10:17:01