Microprocessor Group
8:50 PM 10/01/2012
August 11 2011
Next meeting 14th September 2011
This is an unofficial page.
Last night was another interesting night about 8 attendees alternately asking and fielding questions about PICs and PICaxe solutions. Shaun talked about multi core processors which a lot of us found fascinating and stimulating. He gave a mini-demo, in one of his answers, on the general method of installing hardware and drivers for (PIC) programmers. This highlighted the possible problems with win 7 and the sequence of events to achieve a working result.
John X talked about an Xtree type program to help WIN 7 users to navigate around their installations.
Afterwards some of us ( about 6 including people from other SIGs) went for a small meal at Remezzo.
An interesting group and I try to attend each month.
a link to some of my other pages
Some NEC 78K C++ and Assembler
Some MicroChip C++ and Assembler
Info about current PIC projects
link for real user group SIG page
link to Arduino article in Silicon Chip
Link to Electronex – electronics design and assembly expo
Link to makers faire Melbourne
Link to Review of Arduino 1-0 IDE